Your Illinois Women in Leadership Board of Directors meets on the second Tuesday of every month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The meeting location varies from month to month. IWIL members are welcomed as guests, and if there is something to be added to the agenda, we ask that you contact the President by the last Thursday of the preceding month. 

Your full board has an Executive Board consisting of elected officers:

Immediate Past President

Vice President


Vice Treasurer

Please contact the President or any of the board members by either clicking on their names or through the IWIL email address [email protected] (and put the name of person who should receive the message in the subject heading.) 

Qualifications and election details appear in the IWIL bylaws. Talk to a board member about your interest in serving on future IWIL boards. 

Every member is invited to pitch in as a committee member which is another great way to build relationships. So much of what we do as a large organization takes place in smaller circles that are created by the membership. Get involved by contacting one of the Chairwomen:

ATHENA Event Chair Heather Burton
Communications Angie Muhs
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Haley Wilson & Stormy Udell
Hospitality Jean Winn & Amy Peterson
Membership Debbie Thompson
Programs Denysha Crawford
Registration Jen Bettis
Scholarship Angie Acakpo-Satchivi
Sponsorship Donna Reaves & Pam Frazier
Women's Symposium Kate Dyer & Sarah Brewer


2022-2023 Jen DeJong
2021-2022 Darlene Dietrich
2020-2021 Kathy Kincaid
2019-2020 Jennifer Bettis
2018-2019  Linda Jones
2017-2018  Jennifer Sublett
2016-2017  Emily Rabin
2015-2016  Cheri Plummer
2014-2015  Jamie Stout
2013-2014  Christine Carrels
2012-2013  Sarah Beuning
2011-2012  Julie Davis